Educational inequalities at the intersection of multiple social categories: An introduction and systematic review of the multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA) approach

The MAIHDA approach is introduced to study educational inequalities by defining intersectional strata that represent individuals' membership in multiple social categories. The approach allows identifying intersectional effects at the strata level and obtaining information on discriminatory accuracy. The paper reviews past applications and analyzes inequalities in reading achievement across 40 unique intersectional strata using data from 15-year-old students in Germany.

Noticing and weighing alternatives in the reflection of regular classroom teaching: Evidence of expertise using mobile eye-tracking

Watching their own teaching videos recorded with mobile eye-tracking devices, expert and novice teachers did not differ in the number of classroom events they noticed and alternative teaching strategies they mentioned. However, novice teachers were more critical of their own teaching than expert teachers, particularly when they considered alternative teaching strategies.

Top-performing math students in 82 countries: An integrative data analysis of gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation

In the group of top-performing math students, we found (a) that male students were overrepresented, (b) gender differences in students' reading achievement and motivation, mathematics and science motivation, and achievement profiles, and (c) that gender equality indicators moderated some of these differences.

Nonlinear relations between achievement and academic self-concepts in elementary and secondary school: An integrative data analysis across 13 countries

Using polynomial and interrupted regression analyses, we found that the relations between students' achievement and corresponding self-concepts in mathematics and the verbal domain were nonlinear.

Do stereotypes strike twice? Giftedness and gender stereotypes in pre-service teachers’ beliefs about student characteristics in Australia

Using an experimental vignette approach, this paper investigated how pre-service teachers’ stereotypes about giftedness and gender are related to their perception of students’ intellectual ability, adjustment, and social-emotional ability.

Geschlechtsunterschiede in der kindlichen MINT-Lernmotivation: Forschungsbefunde zu bestehenden Unterschieden und Einflussfaktoren

This paper gives an overview of the current state of research on the emergence of gender differences in early STEM motivation (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Profile formation of academic self-concept in elementary school students in grades 1 to 4

This paper investigated the profile formation of academic self-concept in elementary school students, taking the role of differences in school grades for dimensional comparisons of one's own ability in different school subjects into account.